Tikanga ā-Iwi
Here you will find information about online and offline resources to support teachers. Some of the resources align with the previous curriculum Tikanga ā-Iwi i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The titles of the online resources link to the relevant websites.
To order offline resources such as books, CDRoms, and DVDs go to the Down the Back of the Chair website.
Online resources
Hītori Māori - Ngā mahi whakaari a te Māori
He hītori Māori he hokinga mahara. Kua whakaarahia tēnei pae tukutuku hei whakawātea ki a koe i ngā rauemi e hāpai ake ai tō whakaako i Te Takanga o te Wā, He Aratohu mā ngā Pouako. Mātakitakina ētahi ataata e kōrero ana mō ngā āhuatanga e pai ai te ako i te hītori Māori i ngā kura.
Hītori Māori - Ngā kōrero o nehe: Māori history in the school curriculum (English medium site)
These materials have been developed to assist teachers to implement Te Takanga o te Wā Māori History in Aotearoa New Zealand: Teaching Guidelines for Years 1-8.
Ākona te Tau: Hine Raumati
The broad theme of these four units is Hine Raumati and each unit covers a level (1 to 4) of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The units have been designed with a tirohanga Māori, are thematic in nature and cover multiple learning areas. Although the activities span various learning areas, they have been chosen to encourage oral language in the classroom – both formal and informal.
Kia Mau
This is the online English language version of Kia Mau, the resource kit about waiata and haka associated with the Māori Battalion.
Te Rauparaha
This resource describes the life and times of Te Rauparaha, the famous rangatira of Ngāti Toa. Te Rauparaha led the Ngāti Toa people from their homeland, Kāwhia, to settle the Kāpiti coast. Included in this resource are songs, stories, genealogy, pictures, teachers' units, and lesson plans.
He Tauaromahi Tikanga ā-Iwi
This is the home page for the tauaromahi tikanga ā-iwi or social sciences exemplars. These are samples of authentic student work annotated to illustrate learning, achievement, and quality in relation to levels 1 to 5 of Tikanga ā-Iwi i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Also Included are links to teachers' notes and a matrix of progress indicators.
He kaupapa Tikanga ā-Iwi tēnei e hāngai ana ki ngā ākonga i ngā Taumata 5 me te 6 o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
E waru ngā arotahi o tēnei kaupapa; ko Te Whakapūmau i ngā Tikanga Tuku Iho (Ngā Waka o Aotearoa) me Te Whakatairanga i te Hākinakina Iwi Taketake (Waka Ama); ko Te Whakapūmau Tuakiri (Te Hītori o te Reo Māori) me Te Huringa o te Whakaaro i roto i te Wā (Ngā Manu Kōrero); ko Ngā Mahi a Te Rēhia (Te Whare Tapere) me Ngā Panonitanga i te Huringa o te Wā (ko te Kapa Haka); ko Te Whakanui Tūāhua Tāpua (Matariki) me Te Whakatairanga i te Tuakiri ā-Motu (Te Rā Motuhake o Matariki).
Offline resources

Mātaki mai ana te Ao: te Tawhio Pihirei o 1981
A new Māori language multi-media series aimed at improving wharekura students’ research and literacy skills supporting kaiako and kura to create a rich literacy environment for ākonga. These materials will provide a basis of study and enjoyment for Māori medium students in wharekura and will also reflect kaupapa Māori contexts in teaching and learning.
To order this resource visit the Down the Back of the Chair website.

Takaparawhau is one of the student books created for the Te Wahi me te Taiao series. The subject of this book is the Takaparawhau (Bastion Point) area and the history of the relationships between the tangata whenua, the sea and the environment. This series for years 7-8 links to the Te Wahi me te Taiao strand of the Tikanga ā-Iwi learning area. For more information about this resource visit the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website.

Te Tautoko 67
This issue of the Te Tautoko series, intended for students in years 7–8, focuses on the Moriori and aims to dispel some of the commonly held misconceptions about the Moriori people that continue to exist to this day. For more information about this resource visit the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website. Teachers' notes are also available online from the Mā te Pouako website.

He Kohikohinga 54
The He Kohikohinga series is a collection of traditional and contemporary stories compiled to appeal to students in years 4–6. This issue focuses on the stories of the Moriori people. For more information about this resource visit the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website. Teachers' notes are also available online from the Mā te Pouako website.
Teacher resource exchange
This facility allows you to contribute resources about social sciences that you have created for the classroom, or make use of other teachers' resources, such as lesson plans, unit plans, activities, and assessment tasks.