Here you will find information about online and offline resources to support teachers. Some of the resources align with the previous draft curriculum Hauora i Roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa: He Tauira. The titles of the online resources link to the relevant websites.
To order offline resources like books, CDRoms, and DVDs go to Down the Back of the Chair.
Online resources
Exploring te ao kori
Te ao kori (the world of movement) is a Māori celebration of life through movement and its many expressions. These resources encapsulate ideas for planning learning experiences and intended outcomes. Many of the learning experiences are richly demonstrated with the use of video and photographs, showing games and activities such as whai (string games), ngā mahi poi (poi activities) and takaro ā-ringa (hand games).
Offline resources
Te Pūhuruhurutanga
This is a book for 9 to 11 year olds who are going through the puberty stage. Information has been sourced from many people throughout Aotearoa as an example for the generations to come and so that our tamariki know that the journey from youth to adulthood is something everyone goes through at some stage. For more information see the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website.
He Pai Noa Iho Te Rerekē: Te pūkete
This boxed set contains four novels, four posters, four sets of CDs, and a teacher's guide and aligns with levels 4–5 of the hauora curriculum. The theme of this resource is bullying. For more information about the resource see the Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website.
He Taonga anō te Kai
Waiora loves and worries about her aunty Te Māhoe because sometimes she is extremely tired. One day she sees aunty Te Māhoe's appearance has turned for the worse. The ensuing conversation turns to that of healthy eating and lifestyles. For more information about this resource see the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website.

Focus on Food/ Te Arotahi ki te kai
This is a resource for teachers wanting to encourage year 5–8 students to think critically about food and what influences their food choices. This resource originates from the draft marautanga hauora and is designed to support teachers with planning units of learning around food and nutrition.
Teacher resource exchange
This facility allows you to contribute resources about health that you have created for the classroom, or make use of other teachers' resources, such as lesson plans, unit plans, activities, and assessment tasks.