Here you will find information about online and offline resources to support teachers. Some of the resources align with the previous curriculum Pāngarau i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The titles of the online resources link to the relevant websites.
To order offline resources such as books, CDRoms, and DVDs go to the Down the Back of the Chair website.
Online resources
Tihei Pāngarau: Te Ahumoni, Taumata 4, e-ako 1
This is the first in a series of digital interactive learning modules relating to Financial Capability. It is part of the Tihei Pāngarau family of learning resource materials. It is targetted at Level Four of the curriculum, and includes learning about:
- needs and wants;
- the place of money for a family to secure their needs and wants;
- the various pathways that individuals and families receive income;
- financial decisions around saving and spending.
The module includes aspects of Financial Capability relating to both mathematics and social studies, as well as being illustrated through proverb and story.
The digital module is available free to the public through the nzmaths website at:
Please send any feedback you have about this resource to: [email protected]
The Hundreds Board
This interactive resource contains activities that align with the achievement objectives of levels 1 and 2 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: Pāngarau under the strand Te Tau me te Taurangi. The hundreds board can be used on a range of digital devices.
Pāngarau - Tāhūrangi
This page gives you access to unit plans, Te Poutama Tau resources and other kaupapa pāngarau resources written in te reo Māori.
He Tauaromahi Pāngarau
This is the home page of the maths exemplars. The maths exemplars are authentic pieces of students work, annotated to illustrate learning, achievement, and quality in relation to levels 1 to 5 of Pāngarau i roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
Hei Tautoko i te Marautanga Pāngarau
This part of Tāhūrangi shows the extent of topics and achievement objectives of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: Pāngarau. It’s aimed at levels 1-5.
Offline resources

He Pūtahi Pāngarau: He Marautanga Tau: Taumata 1-2
This boxed set of student materials contains: a teachers' guide, "Mā te Pouako", with sequential activities and accompanying dialogue; a book of copymaster materials; tool cards for student use; a CD-ROM (housed inside the back cover of the teachers' resource). For more information about this resource visit the He Kohinga Rauemi ā-Ipurangi website.

Pīpī Pāngarau 1
This book celebrates the number 1, and tells a story using simple word structures and short sentences. It’s also about verbs and practice known to young children. This is a story about ika. For more information about this resource, visit Pīpī Pāngarau 1 on Tāhūrangi.

Te Reo Pāngarau: Putanga Tuarua
A second edition maths dictionary that focuses on levels 1 to 5 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: Pāngarau. It includes lists of Māori words and English words with explanations and supporting diagrams. For more information about this resource, visit Te Reo Pāngarau: Putanga Taurua on Tāhūrangi.
Teacher resource exchange
This facility allows you to contribute resources about mathematics that you have created for the classroom, or make use of other teachers' resources, such as lesson plans, unit plans, activities, and assessment tasks.