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He mahere whenua mō Kāwhia - nā Pei Te Hurinui tēnei i waituhi

Kāwhia Harbour: story and significant places. Historical Branch, Department of Internal Affairs. (Manuscript, drawn for the proposed Centennial Historical Atlas, 194-?).

Nā te Kohikohinga a Internal Affairs tēnei mahere whenua. Kei te Whare Pukapuka a Alexander Turnbull Library tēnei kohikohinga.

He mahere whenua tēnei mō Kāwhia. Nā Pei Te Hurinui tēnei i waituhi. Ahakoa kāore i te tino mārama te titiro atu, ka kite koe i te kāinga tupu o Ngāti Toa me te wāhi tupu ai a Te Rauparaha. Kei te kitea hoki ngētehi o ngā kāinga me ngā pā e whakahuatia ake nei i tēnei kōrero.

He mahere mō Kāwhia
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